I Don’t Want to Fill Out The Form


Ok, that’s no problem. You should be able to cover most of the important information during your call.

I will pass your contact information over to Mike/Christian and he will reach out to you within the next couple of days.

Is there anything at all that you would like me to share with them about the project?

(take any relevant notes)

Ok, and is there anything else I can help you with before I let you go?

(answer any questions)

Ok great.  I will send you an email right after this call just so you’ll have my contact info while you’re waiting to be contacted by Mike/Christian.

I’m also going to attach a digital Brochure with more about our process and experience with this type of project. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.

(Gracefully End Call and complete “next steps” below)


•Copy and paste and send the email template content below to the client right after the call. Be sure to change the “Name” to the client’s name. Be sure to attach the appropriate digital brochure (New home, addition/reno/High performance) based on the type of project the client is inquiring about.

•Distribute a copy of the information form and preferred contact time to the team for follow up


Dear NAME,

It was nice chatting with you! I know the team will be excited to learn more about your project during your call!

I’m also attaching a digital brochure that talks about The Valle Group’s approach to working with our clients and features some projects similar to yours. I just thought this might be of interest to you.

Looking forward,
