Reached Voicemail


Hi, NAME. This is (NAME) from The Valle Group in Falmouth. I am reaching out to follow up on an inquiry you put in through our website regarding your TYPE OF PROJECT.

I’d be happy to connect you with the right person here at The Valle Group to speak some more about your project.

If you have a few minutes and would like to give me a call back I can be reached at at XXX-XXX-XXXX

Otherwise I will send a followup email with some more information that might be helpful to you and we can re-connect at your convenience.

Thank you.


•Copy and paste and send the email template content below to the client right after the call. Be sure to change the “Name” to the client’s name. Be sure to attach the appropriate digital brochure (New home, addition/reno/High performance) based on the type of project the client is inquiring about.

•Distribute a copy of the information form and preferred contact time to the team for follow up


Dear NAME,

I just left you a voicemail in reference to the inquiry you submitted about your TYPE OF PROJECT on The Valle Group website.

As I mentioned, I’d be happy to chat over the phone to answer any questions you may have and to connect you with the right person here. Alternatively, you may fill out the project detail form linked below and we can contact you for a follow-up conversation.

I’m also attaching a digital brochure that talks about our approach and highlights our experience in TYPE OF PROJECT which may be helpful to you.

Look forward to hearing back from you,

Here’s the link